Monday, 22 September 2014

Women of SW:TOR - Dark Togruta

Here's the second image for my 'Women of SW:TOR' series. This time we have a Togruta who seems to have forged her own path among the Sith...

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Women of SW:TOR - Cathar

First one done! A Cathar Jedi..

I plan on doing an image like this for every playable species in the MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Do you want to choose the next one? Just put a comment below...

Friday, 12 September 2014

Daddy Issues: Mai-Li & K-Dog

Messing around with a ballpoint pen, and decided to doodle something for my friend DireLilith. This week she's doing a Daddy's Girls thing, so this image is for her...

Monday, 8 September 2014

Women of The Old Republic (sketch)

I had this idea of starting some full-colour art of the men and women of Star Wars: The Old Republic, with a pin-up feel to them.

So I'm kicking things off with a Cathar Jedi.

If you're into this kind of stuff, feel free to leave a comment below!

Monday, 1 September 2014

A little romance, but no erotica.

Been working on some non-erotica recently, mainly book covers for indie authors. Here's one I'm working on right now..